FNDLOAD and XDOLoader are utilities provided in Oracle Apps to download/upload AOL object definition and template (RTF, PDF, and XSL-FO), XML, and XSD files to the XML Publisher database tables.
Oracle XML Publisher is XML and template-driven tool to design reports in Oracle Applications. You can use Microsoft Word/Excel or Adobe PDF to create a template in .rdf, .xls or .pdf format.
Generic step in XML publisher based reports are,
- Define concurrent program to generate XML
- Create data definition
- Create and attach template with data definition
BI Publisher provides a user interface to upload the template. Uploading template again and again during development is time-consuming. Manual moving it from one instance to another instance could lead discrepancy, due to manual error. Oracle provides easy to use built-in utility FNDLOAD to move the definition from one instance to another and even the physical RTF/PDF files using XDOLoader.
Let’s see how to use it FNDLOAD and XDOLoader.
FNDLOAD – Download/Upload AOL definition
It is a command-driven utility to download/upload AOL definition in a text(.ldt) files. You can use it for AOL like,
- Value Set
- Concurrent Program
- Flex Fields
- Profile
- Responsibility
- Menu
- Forms and Functions
- Message
FNDLOAD logon 0 Y mode configfile datafile [ entity [ param … ] ]
- logon :- username/password[@connect]. Generally apps username and password.
- mode: – either UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD
- configfile : – configuration file name. Each AOL is having a different configuration file.
- datafile: – file name which stored definition
- entity: – an entity name, or – to specify all values in an upload
- param: – Additional parameters like NAME=VALUE string
Download Command
FNDLOAD apps/$apps_password 0 Y DOWNLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct demo.ldt XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=XXPO DATA_SOURCE_CODE=demo
DATA_SOURCE_CODE :- Template Code used during registration.
It will generate demo.ldt file containing the definition of the template.
Upload Command
FNDLOAD apps/$apps_password 0 Y UPLOAD $XDO_TOP/patch/115/import/xdotmpl.lct data_source.ldt XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME=XXPO DATA_SOURCE_CODE=demon – CUSTOM_MODE=FORCE
XDOLoader Utility – Download/Upload Templates
The XDOLoader utility is a Java-based command line program to load template (RTF, PDF, and XSL-FO), XML, and XSD files to the XML Publisher database tables.
Download Command
% java oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader DOWNLOAD \ -DB_USERNAME <db_username> \ -DB_PASSWORD <db_password> \ -JDBC_CONNECTION <jdbc_con_string> \ -LOB_TYPE <lob_type> \ -APPS_SHORT_NAME <application_short_name> \ -LOB_CODE <lob_code> \ -LANGUAGE <language> \ -TERRITORY <territory> \ -LOG_FILE <log file>
Below is description of syntax – Command option (Mandatory/Option) – Description
- DOWNLOAD (M) – The first parameter: DOWNLOAD
- DB_USERNAME (M) – Database user name (example: apps).
- DB_PASSWORD (M)- Database user password (example: manager).
- JDBC_CONNECTION JDBC (M)- database connection string (example: ap000sun:1521:db222)
- LOB_TYPE (M) – XDO LOB type. Valid values are:
- APPS_SHORT_NAME (M) – Application short name (example: AR).
- LOB_CODE (O) – XDO LOB code. Enter either the Template Code or the Data Definition Code (see below).
- LCT_FILE (O) -This is the control file for XML Publisher metadata (see below).
- LANGUAGE (M) – ISO two-letter language code (example: en) Mandatory for template files only
Upload Command
To Upload the files, first set up your environment for your session by setting the
Execute the XDOLoader utility as follows:
% java oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.XDOLoader UPLOAD \ -DB_USERNAME <db_username> \ -DB_PASSWORD <db_password> \ -JDBC_CONNECTION <jdbc_con_string> \ -LOB_TYPE <lob_type> \ -APPS_SHORT_NAME <application_short_name> \ -LOB_CODE <lob_code> \ -LANGUAGE <language> \ -TERRITORY <territory> \ -XDO_FILE_TYPE <xdo_file_type> \ -NLS_LANG <NLS_LANG> \ -FILE_CONTENT_TYPE <file_content_type> \ -FILE_NAME <file_name> \ -OWNER <owner> \ -CUSTOM_MODE [FORCE|NOFORCE] \ -LOG_FILE <log file>
Below is the description of syntax – Command option (Mandatory/Option) – Description
- UPLOAD (M) – The first parameter
- DB_USERNAME (M) – Database username (example: apps).
- DB_PASSWORD (M) – Database user password (example: manager).
- JDBC_CONNECTION (M) – JDBC database connection string
(example: ap000sun:1521:db222) - LOB_TYPE (M) – XDO LOB type.
Valid values are:
XML_SAMPLE - APPS_SHORT_NAME (M) – Application short name (example: AR).
- LOB_CODE (M) – XDO LOB code. Enter either the Template Code or the Data Definition Code.
- NLS_LANG (M) Enter the NLS_LANG environment variable.
- LANGUAGE (O) – ISO two-letter language code (example: en).
then cn_CN for combination of language and territory. - TERRITORY (M) – ISO two-letter territory code (example: US),
default is ’00’. - XDO_FILE_TYPE (M) – Enter the XDO file type, valid values are: PDF, RTF, XLS, XSL-FO, XSL-HTML, XSL-XML, XSLTEXT, XSD, XML, RTF-ETEXT
- FILE_CONTENT_TYPE (O)- Content type of the file (example: text/html,application/pdf)
- FILE_NAME (M) -Name of the file you want to upload. (example: sample.pdf or test.xml)
This file name can be full path (example: /u01/oracle/11iapp/xdo/115/patch/115/publisher/templates) - OWNER (O) – Owner of the template. Default is “ORACLE”.
- CUSTOM_MODE (O) -Whether to force update. Valid values are
FORCE and NOFORCE (default). - LOG_FILE (O) – Enter a file name for the output log file (default: xdotmpl.log).
- DEBUG (O) -Turns debug on or off. Valid values are: true 7 false (default)
- USE_APPS_CONTEXT (O) – Whether to use AppsContext or not. Valid values
are: true / false (default)
If false, ’1’ is always used for Apps Login ID.