FND-CP-ESP: Child: exec:: Permission denied

FND-CP-ESP: Child: exec:: Permission denied error comes when you submit host-based concurrent program in Oracle apps and apps is not able to execute the shell script for the program.

This is the way you design the host program in Oracle Apps.

Create the shell script (test.prog), Make sure .prog is the extension of the script. Copy the script to the respective custom top bin folder and create a soft link with fndcpesr utility provided by Oracle.

 ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr $XX_TOP/bin/test

Now you have two files in the bin folder. One is test.prog and the other is a test which is a soft link. Set file permission to 755 for both the .prog file and shell script using the below command.

chmod 755 test*

Next, define the executable, concurrent program and register it under any responsibility.

Here, the step, where you set file permission to 755, is important. You may get the Permission denied error if you miss this step.

Simply set the file permission to 755 for both .prog and soft link file to solve FND-CP-ESP: Child: exec:: Permission denied error in Oracle apps.

This solution should work for both Oracle Apps r12 and 11i version.

Check this discussion on Oracle Community about this error.